
Psy, the South Korean pop star who shot to fame in 2012 with his song Gangnam Style, is known for his outrageous videos to the rest of the world, but in South Korea his live performances far outdo his videos.

The video above, from a concert where Psy performed on December 24, has him donning an outfit which can be called feminine. And just in case there was any doubt on the matter, he has two fake breasts firmly fixed in places too. Later in the video, at about the two-minute mark, the breasts start shooting out sparks in a masterful flourish.

In his home country the singer is known for making over the top videos and staging concerts where he cross-dresses. Impersonating female singers is also a common feature of his concerts, and in the past he has performed Beyonce's Single Ladies and Lady Gaga's Poker Face dressed like them, and worn a tight, red leather dress for a rendition of Alone by another Korean artiste, Sistar.

A March 2013 report speculating over an upcoming concert says, "Psy has not said one way or the other if there will be a female impersonation component to the upcoming show, but if history is any indication, fans can probably expect it."

The report quotes him as saying he feels he has outgrown such behaviour.

"Since being married, I don't feel comfortable wearing those racy clothes. I kind of feel like a local clown," he said. "Do I still need to cross-dress to make my fans happy?"

Well, look who changed his mind.