You can milk this opportunity for all its worth. If you who love eating, talking about and thinking about cheese and dairy products, there’s a job opening at United Kingdom’s Department of Dairy-Related Wholesome Affairs (DDRWA) for Directors of hard and soft cheese.

And that’s not all. They’re even offering roles for Chief Yoghurt Officer, Ice Cream Cone-oisseur, Head of Butter, and Minister of Milk.

Mike Howe, head of human resources at the organisation, tells potential applicants, “If you like churning out great ideas, why not apply to become our new head of butter? Or, what about ice-cream selling? You think you can give that a swirl?”

The DDRWA are not looking for experts, but simply for “cone-fident” people, the “single or double creme de la creme”. They promise a “generous package” and an “abundance of dairy-related benefits” on their equally witty LinkedIn listing, with a job that involves consuming plenty of dairy.