Video: Meet Punjab’s racing greyhound Commander, son of Big Mac and Lady Shooter
Greyhound racing is alive and well and part of the swag in Punjab
Among the many ways in which young men in Punjab establish their swag is greyhound racing. They buy and bring up greyhounds lovingly, with full creature comforts, in order for the dogs to participate in local and even state-level races.
In the video above, 101 India captures greyhound racing in Punjab through the eyes of Commander, a new contender in this year’s races. The video takes viewers into the arena, where dogs are groomed, prepared and sent off to the races.
Greyhound-racing was established in India during the British era. Till 1992, the races involved the dogs chasing live rabbits. After that was made illegal on grounds of animal cruelty, a dummy is now used to get the dogs racing at speeds of up to 60 kmph.
The Punjab High Court recently issued a notice on public greyhound racing. The Greyhound Racing Board of the state has argued that dog racing is in fact a traditional element of Punjab’s sporting culture.