Watch: This is how abandoned pets and stray animals were rescued from Hurricane Florence floods
Even as humans were being evacuated, the animals weren’t forgotten.
The humans could get away, but what of the animals?
Thankfully, several pets and stray animals were rescued from flooded areas after their owners were forced to abandon them while fleeing from Hurricane Florence, which hit the US states of North and South Carolina. A video of six dogs being rescued from an outdoor cage in Leland, North Carolina, went viral on social media after it was shared by a journalist, Marcus DiPaola. “BRING YOUR PETS WITH YOU!” DiPaola wrote in his Twitter post.
Rescued six dogs in Leland, NC, after the owner LEFT THEM locked in an outdoor cage that filled with flood water that was rapidly rising.
— Marcus DiPaola (@marcusdipaola) September 16, 2018
We got them out, but by the time we left, the water was so high that they would have drowned. BRING YOUR PETS WITH YOU! #HurricaneFlorence
He also posted a video of a stray cat and a family with their dogs being rescued in Burgaw.
Just rescued a feral kitten moments ago in Burgaw, NC. Video to come once I get a place with better service. I came to North Carolina to cover a story, not become the story, for obvious ethical reasons. But I'm not letting a kitten die.
— Marcus DiPaola (@marcusdipaola) September 17, 2018
Tony Alsup, a truck driver from Greenback, Tennessee, was also hailed as a hero for driving to South Carolina in a school bus to evacuate 53 dogs and 11 cats from animal shelters that were in the path of Florence.
As Florence loomed, trucker Tony Alsup drove into South Carolina in an old yellow school bus, picked up 64 dogs and cats, and bused them to a shelter in Alabama
— Erin (@erinruberry) September 17, 2018
Tony Alsup, a 51 yr old truck driver, converted a school bus into a rescue ark for dogs trapped by #HurricaneFlorerence #Hero #RepsforRescues #dogs #shelters @bestfriends #monday #MondayMotivaton #Chipstarter #animalshelters
— Reps for Rescues (@repsforrescues) September 18, 2018