Caught on TV: Yoga guru Ramdev lifts Arnab Goswami off his feet to ‘prove his strength’
Ramdev wants panellists on news channels (and others too) to practice yoga for an hour before they get on with their activities.
The news on Indian television these days seems to be everything but news. In a recent interview with yoga guru Ramdev, news anchor Arnab Goswami was in for a surprise when Ramdev lifted the anchor off his feet to “prove his strength”. (See video from 1 hour 31 minutes.)
Ramdev was on the show to comment on the Ayodhya verdict. Towards the end of the interview that lasted over an hour, Ramdev demonstrated various yoga postures. He concluded his display by lifting Goswami in his arms.
The incident invited some sharp reactions on social media.
— Tempest (@ColdCigar) November 11, 2019
World tour. #arnabgoswami #ramdev
— RAJ (@Logic6th) November 11, 2019
African safari
Baba ji took the term #GodiMedia literally#BabaRamdev#ArnabGoswami
— Aadarsh Yadav (@thatnavalguy) November 11, 2019