Watch: Teenager falls on railway track trying to escape a group of abusive men
The incident took place in in Howth, Ireland.
Howth, Dublin. Absolutely disgusting, illegal behaviour.
— Dr. Jennifer Cassidy (@OxfordDiplomat) May 9, 2021
My parents and my nieces were just there today.
This is no world where I want my beautiful young nieces and any other child to grow up in.
RT as much as possible as faces can be seen.
Horrifying CCTV footage from Howth Junction Dart Station in Dublin, Ireland shows a group of men abusing and kicking young women who were trying to board a train. During the incident, one 17-year-old girl lost her balance after being kicked at and fell into the gap between the train and the platform. According to news reports, she was saved by passersby and security guards. The incident reportedly occurred on April 1.
According to The Irish Sun, the girl’s father said that his daughter could have been killed in the incident. “She’s okay, she is okay now, she is still a bit upset about it,” he was quoted as saying. “It is an ongoing investigation so I can’t really say anymore.”
The incident is being probed by Gardai, the state police of Ireland.