climate change
Could 3D printing help replace coral reef habitats lost to climate change?
John Bythell, The Conversation James Guest, The Conversation Adriana Humanes, The Conversation Alasdair Edwards, The Conversation
How to understand the new IPCC report on climate change and the 1.5℃ global warming target
Keith Shine, The Conversation
India suffered losses of $79.5 billion due to natural disasters in last two decades: UN report
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Climate change: Unprecedented action is required to curb temperature rise, says UN panel report
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Capitalism and advertising ruined our relationship with bacteria
Norah Campbell, The Conversation Cormac Deane, The Conversation
As Kenyans catch the superfood bug, rearing of crickets becomes big business
Hannah McNeish, Thomson Reuters Foundation
UN General Assembly chief cites Kerala floods to urge countries to slow down climate change
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The France-Britain ‘scallop war’ signals the arrival of climate change conflicts
Heather Alberro, The Conversation
Armed with slingshots, hot air balloons and paragliders, Kenyans are replanting vanishing forests
Dominic Kirui, Thomson Reuters Foundation News
Human-wildlife conflicts are on the rise in Sikkim – and climate change may be partly to blame
Nidhi Jamwal,
A women’s group in Ladakh is fighting to save the region’s environment, help conserve water
Athar Parvaiz
How India’s traditional wisdom can help it cope with climate change
Sanjiv Phansalkar
‘Climate change running faster than we are’: UN chief cites Kerala floods, California wildfires
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Global warming will increase water flow in India and other South Asian countries, finds a study
Saleem Shaikh
How villagers in Bhutan and India came together to resolve a water-sharing tussle
Shailendra Yashwant
How the breakthrough discovery of the wheat genome could help cope with climate change
Sahana Ghosh
The World Peace Diet: Could eating only plant-based foods help reverse global warming?
Kathleen Kevany, The Conversation
Kerala floods again show why it is hard to link such hazards to global warming
Jonathan Eden, The Conversation
From self-driving cars to robots: How artists in the 20th century visualised the future
Darren Garrett
The thickest parts of the Arctic sea ice are moving away from the Greenland coast, say scientists
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