OSSC Combined Auditor 2019 prelim exam date announced
Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has announced the date for conduct of the Combined Auditor 2019 preliminary exam.

The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has announced the date for conduct of the Combined Auditor 2019 preliminary exam. Candidates can check the exam notice at the official website ossc.gov.in.
OSSC will conduct the Combined Auditor 2019 prelims on September 2. The detailed schedule and downloading of admit cards will be announced later. The OMR-based written exam will be of 90-minute duration carrying a total of 100 marks for a single paper. There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks per wrong answer.
Candidates are advised to regularly visit the OSSC website for further updates.
The Combined Auditor recruitment exam is being conducted to fill 161 posts under the Director of Industries, Cuttack and state Finance Department on a contractual basis. Online applications were invited in August and September of 2020 and the Commission has received nearly 36,000 applications.
The exam will consist of 4 stages: Preliminary exam, Main written exam, Computer skill test and document verification.