UPHESC Principal final result 2021 declared; here’s direct link
Candidates who have appeared for the interview round can check their result from the official website site.uphesc.org.

Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Service Commission (UPHESC) has announced the final result for Principal post. Candidates who have appeared for the interview round can check their result from the official website site.uphesc.org.
A total of 363 candidates have been shortlisted, of which 290 are enlisted in the main list whereas 73 are from the waiting list. As per the official notification, a total of 630 candidates were shortlisted to appear for the interview, however, only 526 applicants appeared for the interview.
The interview was conducted from March 20 to August 12, 2021. The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up a total of 290 vacancies.
Steps to download the result
- Visit the official website site.uphesc.org
- Click on “Notice regarding the result of interview conducted against 290 vacant posts of Principal in Aided Non-Government Colleges.” under Notice Board
- The result will appear on the screen
- Check and download the result
- Take a printout for future reference
Here’s direct link to download the result.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.