DRDO Recruitment 2021: Apply for 61 Apprentice posts at drdo.gov.in, details here
Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the vacancies on the official website drdo.gov.in till December 20, 2021.

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has invited online applications for recruitment to 61 Apprentice posts. Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the vacancies on NAPS official website apprenticeshipindia.gov.in till December 20, 2021.
All the required documents/certificates should be uploaded on portal.
“After applying at above mentioned portal, candidates are required to send scanned copies of all the relevant documents/certificates (10th Class Marksheet, ITI Pass Certificate and Marksheet, Caste Certificate (if applicable), ID Proof, etc.) in a single PDF file through e-mail to admintbrI@tbrl.drdo.in,” reads the notification.
Here’s direct link to the notification.
Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit: Age of the apprentice should not be less than 14 years as on closing date of application.
Educational Qualification: The applicants should hold ITI passed certificate. Candidates with post-graduation are not eligible to apply.
Selection Process
Candidates shall be selected on merit basis (percentage of marks of qualifying examination). In case of tie, the marks of the lower examination shall be considered as tie-breaker.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.