SSC Stenographer skill test result expected today
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is expected to announce the result of the 2019 Stenographer Grade C and D Skill Test today.

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is expected to announce the result of the 2019 Stenographer Grade C and D Skill Test today. As per the result schedule released last month, SSC will declare the Steno Skill Test result on March 10.
The SSC Stenographer skill test was held on October 21 and 22. A total of 1215 and 7729 candidates had been provisionally qualified for appearing in the Skill Test for the post of Stenographer Grade C and D, respectively. The result of the computer-based exam for Stenographer was declared in March.
Candidates will be able to check their results online at the official website The merit list will be uploaded in the result section of the portal.