The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has released the hall ticket of the Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test or CSEET July 2022 session. Eligible candidates can download their hall tickets from the official website using their registration number (i.e. Unique ID) and date of birth.

ICSI CSEET July 2022 exam is scheduled to be conducted on July 9, 2022.

“This has reference to your registration for appearing in the Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) which is scheduled to be held on Saturday, 9th July, 2022,” reads the notice.

Here’s the official notice.

Steps to download the admit card

  1. Visit the official website
  2. On the homepage, click on CSEET link
  3. Click on “Download Admit card for CSEET July 2022 to be held on 9th July 2022
  4. Key in your login details and submit
  5. Download the admit card and take a printout

Direct link to download the admit card.

For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.