TS Police Constable answer keys releasing soon
Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) will soon release the answer keys for the Constable preliminary exam 2022.

Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) will soon release the answer keys for the Constable preliminary exam 2022.
The TS Police Constable preliminary written test for nearly 6.6 lakh candidates was conducted on August 28 (Sunday) in 1601 Test Centers located in and around Hyderabad and other towns throughout Telangana State. As per the Board, a total of 6,03,955 candidates attended the exam.
“Preliminary Key for the above Test will be made available on the official website: www.tslprb.in within a few days,” the notice said.
The TS Police exams are being held for the posts of SCT PC Civil and/or Equivalent Posts, Transport Constables and Prohibition & Excise Constables. The TSLPRB recruitment drive is being conducted for various posts including 16,929 Constable.