The Punjab Subordinate Services Selection Board (PSSSB) has released the admit card for the post of Superintendent- cum- PTI and Store Keeper. Candidates can download their hall tickets from the official website

The exam is scheduled to be conducted on September 17. The OMR-based exam will be conducted in MCQ format. The exam will carry a total of 100 marks. There will be a negative marking of 0.25 per wrong answer.

The exam was earlier scheduled on September 11.

Steps to download the admit card

  1. Visit the official website
  2. Go to Advertisements tab
  3. Click on “Admit card for Advertisement No. 06 of 2022 Superintendent cum P.T.I. and Store Keeper”
  4. Key in your login details and submit
  5. Download the admit card and take a printout

Direct link to download the admit card.

The PSSSB recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 44 vacancies, of which 31 vacancies are for Hostel Superintendent- cum- PTI and 13 for Storekeeper. The notice regarding the release of admit card/ hall ticket will be issued later.

For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.