UPSC CISF AC 2022 interview schedule released; check details here
The Personality Test/ Interview is scheduled to be conducted from October 31st to November 4th.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the interview schedule for Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) AC (Exe) LDCE 2022. As per the notification, the Personality Test/ Interview is scheduled to be conducted from October 31st to November 4th.
The interview is scheduled to be conducted at Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi110069 w.e.f. 31.10.2022 as per the enclosed schedule.
“The e-Summon Letters of the medically fit candidates in PET/PST and MST, as well as candidates, declared medically fit in RME for Interview/Personality Test will be made available shortly, which may be downloaded from the Commission’s Website The candidates are advised to download their e-Summon Letter along with all its enclosures and take a printout thereof and adhere to the instructions given in eSummon letter for appearing in Personality Test,” reads the notification.
A total of 54 candidates have been declared qualified to appear for the interview round.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.