HSSC Scientific Staff recruitment 2022: Apply for 53 vacancies in different posts, details here
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has issued an official notification for the recruitment of Scientific Staff (Group-C).

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has issued an official notification for the recruitment of Scientific Staff (Group-C) for the Forensic Science Laboratory in Haryana. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the vacancies on website official website hssc.gov.in till October 21.
The HSSC Scientific Staff recruitment drive aims to fill up to 53 vacancies including Senior Scientific Assistant, Scientific Assistant and Laboratory Assistant.
Here’s HSSC Scientific Staff recruitment 2022 official notification.
Eligibility criteria
Age: 18‐42 years as on June 1, 2022. Age relaxation is applicable to reserved category.
Educational Qualification:
Laboratory Assistant: (i) B.Sc. at least 2nd division in medical group. (ii) Hindi/Sanskrit as one of the subject in Matriculation or Higher.
Scientific Assistant and Laboratory Assistant: (i) M.Sc. at least 2nd division or B.Sc. at least 2nd division. (ii) Hindi/Sanskrit as one of the subject in Matriculation or Higher.
Selection process
The scheme of marks in respect of selection to the posts shall comprise of total 100 marks: written examination (95%) and Socio-economic criteria and experience (5%).
Application Fee
The male and female applicants from general category are required to pay the application fee of Rs 150 and Rs 75, respectively. The applicable fee for male and female SC/BC/EWS candidates is Rs 35 and Rs 18. Ex-servicemen of Haryana are exempted from paying the fee.
Application Process
As per the official notice, the Commission has provided the online application link i.e. http://adv32022.hryssc.in/StaticPages/Home Page.aspx to be used for filling up the form. Thereafter the application link will be disabled.