Tamil Nadu board exams 2023: TNDGE issues Class 10, 11, 12 exam timetable, check here
The Directorate of Government Exams (DGE), Tamil Nadu has issued the board exam timetables for Classes 10, 11 and 12 in 2023.

The Directorate of Government Exams (DGE), Tamil Nadu has issued the board exam timetables for Classes 10, 11 and 12 in 2023. The TN board exams will be held in March and April next year. Students can check the TN exam schedule at the official website dge.tn.gov.in.
The TN SSLC or Class 10 public exam will be held from April 6 to 20. The TN Higher Secondary First Year (+1) or Class 11 board exams will be conducted from March 13 to April 3.
Likewise, the TN 12th board exam will also be held from March 13 to April 3.
The Tamil Nadu board exams will be held in a single session for a duration of 3 hours. The exams will commence at 10.00 AM and will conclude at 1.15 PM. Students will be given 10 minutes to read the question paper and 5 minutes will be reserved to verify the particulars of the students.
TNDGE will issue admit cards on the date to be announced later.