MP HSTET 2023 application deadline today for 8720 High School Teacher posts
MPESB will conclude the online application process today for the MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test 2023.

Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board (MPESB) will conclude the online application process today for the MP High School Teacher Eligibility Test 2023. Eligible candidates can apply for the vacancies on the official website The last date to make changes to the application forms is June 6.
The MP HSTET 2023 is scheduled to be conducted on August 2, 2023 — from 9.30 AM to 11.30 AM and 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM. A total of 8720 vacancies have been notified.
Vacancy Details
- Hindi: 509
- English: 1763
- Sanskrit: 508
- Urdu: 42
- Maths: 1362
- Biology: 755
- Physics: 777
- Chemistry: 781
- History: 304
- Political Science: 284
- Geography: 149
- Economics: 287
- Sociology: 88
- Commerce: 514
- Agriculture: 569
- Home Science: 28
Candidates can check the eligibility criteria, age limit, qualification and other details available in the notification below:
Here’s MP HSTET notification 2023.
Application Fee
The applicants from the unreserved category are required to pay a fee of Rs 500, whereas Rs 250 is applicable to candidates from the reserved category.
Steps to apply for MPESB High School TET 2023:
- Visit the official website
- Go to the online form link
- Click on HSTET application link and proceed with the registration
- Fill up the application form, upload documents and pay the fee
- Submit the form and take a printout for future reference
Direct link to apply for MPESB High School TET vacancy 2023.