JEE Advanced result 2023 declared; download score card, answer key here
Candidates who appeared for the exam can download their results from the official website

The Indian Institute of Technology- Guwahati has released the result and the final answer key of the JEE Advanced 2023 today, June 18. Candidates who appeared for the exam can download their results from the official website
The provisional answer key was released on June 11 and the objections were invited till June 12 upto 5.00 PM. The JEE Advanced 2023 was conducted on June 4. Candidate response sheets were released on June 9.
Direct link to check final answer key Paper 1.
Direct link to check final answer key Paper 2.
The JEE Advanced exam is conducted for admissions to various programmes at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). A candidate can attempt JEE (Advanced) maximum of two times in two consecutive years.
Steps to download JEE Advanced Result 2023
- Visit the official website
- On the homepage click on the Link for Result Portal
- Key in your login details and submit
- Check and download the result
- Take a printout for future reference
Here’s the direct link to download JEE Adv Results 2023.
Candidates who have cleared JEE Advanced 2023 can register for Architecture Aptitude Test or AAT 2023 on the official website till June 19 (upto 5.00 PM). AAT is an all India entrance test conducted admission to Bachelors in Architecture courses at IIT Roorkee, IIT Kharagpur and IIT (BHU) Varanasi. The exam is scheduled to be conducted in pen and paper mode on June 21.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.