WB Police answer key 2023 released for Constable/Lady Constable posts; here’s direct link
Candidates can download the answer key from the official website wbpolice.gov.in.

West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) has released the provisional answer key of the Constables/Lady Constables recruitment exam 2022. Eligible candidates can download the answer key from the official website wbpolice.gov.in.
“All candidates are advised to compare the answer with the question paper carefully and bring apparent incongruities, if any, to the notice of the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board through e-mail at wbprb10@gmail.com within 07 (seven) days from 02.08.2023,” reads the notification.
The written exam was conducted on June 4, 2023.
The recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 2266 vacancies, of which 1410 vacancies are for the post of Constable and 856 for Lady Constable.
Steps to download the answer key
- Visit the official website wbpolice.gov.in
- On the homepage, go to the Recruitment—Recruitment to the post of Constables and Lady Constables in Kolkata Police 2022
- Click on the answer key link
- The answer key will appear on the screen
- Download the answer key and take a printout
Direct link to download the answer key.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.