CGPSC SSE 2022 document verification schedule released; here’s steps to download call letter
Eligible candidates can check the schedule and download their admit cards from the official website

Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) has released the document verification schedule for the Chhattisgarh State Service Exam or SSE 2022. Eligible candidates can check the schedule and download their admit cards from the official website
The Preliminary exam was conducted on February 12, 2023, in two shifts—10.00 AM to 12 noon and 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM. The exam was held in 28 districts. The Main examination was conducted from June 15 to 18, 2023. A total of 625 candidates have been shortlisted for the interview and document verification on the basis of their scores in the Main written examination.
The interview/document verification of the candidates shortlisted by the commission will be conducted from August 24 to September 9 in two shifts—10.00 AM to 1.00 PM and 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM.
Here’s the official notification by CGPSC.
Candidates can find their interview schedule according to their roll numbers in the official schedule released by the Commission.
CGPSC SSE 2022 Document Verification schedule 2023.
Steps to download SSE interview call letter 2023
- Visit the official website
- On the homepage, click on the notification regarding SSE document verification
- Once live, click on the ‘Download Call Letter’ link
- CGPSC SSE interview call letter will appear on screen
- Download and take a printout for future reference
Here’s the list of documents required to carry for interview.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.