PSSSB recruitment deadline today for 115 Group B posts; here’s direct link to apply
Candidates must submit their completed applications on the official website

Punjab Subordinate Services Selection Board (PSSSB) will conclude the online application process for the recruitment of various Group B posts in various departments under Advt No 05/2023 today, September 27. Candidates must submit their completed applications on the official website The last date for payment of fees is September 29.
The recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 157 vacancies of Senior Assistant, Research Assistant, Junior Auditor and other Group B posts in various departments.
Eligibility Criteria
Age limit: Candidates must be between the ages of 18 years and 37 years, as on January 1, 2023. Upper age limit relaxations applicable to reserved category candidates.
Educational qualification: Applicants must have possess a Bachelor’s degree in relevant subjects to qualify for the posts. Post-wise educational requirements in the official notification.
Candidates can find information on pay scale, educational qualification, physical eligibility criteria, vacancy details, reservations/relaxations and more details in the official notification below:
Here’s the PSSSB Group B recruitment notification.
Application Fee
Candidates from General and unreserved categories have to pay an application fee of Rs 1000. The fee for SC/BC and Economically weaker section category candidates is Rs 250, Ex-Servicemen and Dependents have to pay Rs 200. Handicapped category candidates will be charged an application fee of Rs 500.
Steps to apply for PSSSB Group B recruitment 2023
- Visit the official website
- On the homepage, click on ‘Applications’ tab
- Once live, click on Advertisement number 05/2023
- Go through the notification carefully and register
- Login and fill out the form
- Upload the documents, pay the fee and submit
- Download and take a printout for future reference
Direct link to apply for the vacancies
Selection Process
Candidates will be shortlisted for the posts based on a Written exam, a Physical test (for some vacancies), a document verification process and a medical examination.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.