HPSC recruitment 2024: PGT Biology interview schedule out at hpsc.gov.in; check details here
The interview process will commence on December 2, 2024.

The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has released the interview/viva-voce schedule for the recruitment of the Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) in the subject of Biology (Advt. No. 18/2024) for the Rest of Haryana Cadre. Eligible candidates can check their date and time slot through the official website hpsc.gov.in.
The interview/viva voce process will begin on December 2 and end on December 6, 2024. The interview process will be held in two shifts — 8.00 am and 12.00 noon. The commission has called 512 candidates for the interview process.
How to check the interview schedule
- Visit the official website hpsc.gov.in
- On the homepage, go to the what’s new section
- Click on the interview schedule link
- Check the date and time slot
- Save the schedule for future reference