The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will soon end the submission of option-cum-preference for the Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical & Electrical) Examination, 2024. Eligible candidates can submit their option-cum-preference form through the official website till December 13, 2024.

“Candidates, who fail to exercise their Option-cum Preference during the aforesaid period, shall not be given any further opportunity for submission of their Option-cum-Preference and such candidates shall not be considered for inclusion in the final merit list/final selection,” reads the official notification.

Here’s the official notification.

How to fill out the option-cum-preference form

  1. Visit the official website
  2. On the homepage, go to the 'CANDIDATE LOGIN'
  3. Key in the details and login
  4. Fill the form and submit it
  5. Take a print out for future reference

For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.