The Allahabad High Court has released the admit cards for Group-C Clerical Cadre and Stenographer Grade III (Hindi and English) posts Stage-II examination. Eligible candidates can download their hall tickets from the official website

The recruitment exam will be conducted on March 5 and 6, 2025. The Court notified a total of 3306 Group C and D vacancies.

“Candidates are advised to download their respective Admit Cards from the Websites (through link available at and, using either Application Number for the respective Post (s) or registered email ID and Date of Birth, to carry the same to Exam Centre. Candidates who are appearing in both Hindi and English Stenography Test have to carry Admit Card for both Shifts,” reads the notification.

Here’s the official notice.

Steps to download Group C, Steno Grade III admit card

  1. Visit the official website

  2. On the homepage, click on the Stage II admit card link

  3. Key in your login details and submit

  4. Check and download the admit card

  5. Take a printout for future reference

Direct link to Group 'C' Clerical Cadre admit card.

Direct link to Stenographer Grade-III admit card.

For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.