DCECE PE Counselling 2018: First allotment result to be declared today at bceceadmissions.nic.in
The registration for the counselling for polytechnic colleges based on DCECE-2018 started from July 21st and ended on July 28th.

The Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Exam Board (BCECEB) is scheduled to declare the first allotment result of DCECE 2018 for admissions to Polytechnic Engineering (PE) colleges today, July 31st. Candidates can check the DCECE admission website to know the status of the allotment result. Candidates who will be issued allotment letter in the first round need to report to the institute from August 2nd to 4th to lock their seats.
The BCECE Board had started the DCECE Polytechnic 2018 counselling process for students whose names appeared on the DCECE merit list from July 22nd and ended on July 28th. The counselling process will be conducted in three rounds but all the students had to register within this window period to take part in the counselling.
The second round of allotment will be released on August 7th and the admission for the second round will be held from August 8th to August 11th. Candidates can access the detailed schedule in this link. The detailed DCECE 2018 counselling schedule is as follows:
DCECE 2018 Counselling schedule
Activity | Date |
Provisional Seat Allotment First Round | July 31st |
Downloading of Allotment Letter | July 31st |
Reporting at the Centre | August 2nd to August 4th |
Provision Seat Allotment Second Round | August 7th |
Downloading the Allotment Letter | August 7th |
Reporting at the Centre | August 8th to August 11th |
Provisional Seat Allotment Third Round | August 13th |
Downloading the Allotment Letter | August 13th |
Reporting to the Centre | August 14th to August 15th |
Here is how to check the DCECE 2018 first allotment result.
- Log in to the official website of DCECE Admission website when the DCECE First allotment result is declared.
- Click on ‘Click here to login’ button.
- Select the stream and enter the roll number and password and the security code.
- The allotment letter if any will be displayed.
- Candidates need to take three print outs of the allotment letter.
DCECE 2018 examination was conducted on May 12th and May 13th and the result was declared on June 24th by BCECEB on its official website.
The Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) conducts admissions in various professional courses in different Engineering, Medical, and Agriculture colleges under the government of Bihar.