RRB Group D Level 1 exam time-table to be released on September 9th
The RRB will activate the link for the Group D Level 1 mock exam on September 10th and admit cards will be issued four days before the exam.

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will be releasing a detailed schedule for the Group D level 1 computer-based test on Sunday, September 9th. The schedule or timetable of the RRB Group D Level 1 exam will contain details of the number of sittings, dates, times, and schedule of release of admit cards. The Board will be conducting the exam from September 17th, which will be done in multiple sittings.
The Board in the notification also intimated that the link for the mock test will be activated on September 10th. Candidates who want to get used to the exam format and the nature of questions expected in the exam can take the mock test from September 10th. Meanwhile, SC/ST candidates who are eligible for free train pass to travel to the exam centre can download the train travel authority from September 10th to make the travel arrangements.
The admit cards for the RRB Level 1 Group D exams will be released four days prior to the actual exam date – so for example, candidates who are scheduled to give examination on September 17th can expect the admit cards to available from September 13th.
RRB finished the process of level 1 examination for Group C ALP and Technician examination on September 4th and the exam was conducted in 11 sittings from . Group C recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 25,502 positions, whereas the Group D is being conducted for 62,907 positions.
RRB Group D vacancies include the positions of Track maintainer Grade IV (Trackman), Gateman, Pointsman, Switchman, Helpers in electrical/engineering/mechanical/signal and telecommunication department, and porter, among others. The notification for both the groups were released on February 2018.