RRB Group D 2018 Admit Card released for Sept 17 exam
The admit card for the RRB Group D exam 2018 is available at the official website, indianrailways.gov.in.

The Railways Recruitment Board (RRB) today released the first set of admit cards for candidates who are scheduled to give the Group D Level 1 exam on September 17th. The RRB will be conducting the examination in multiple sittings that is — CBT or Computer Based Test, PET or Physical Efficiency Test and lastly, document verification. Candidates can visit the RRB’s regional website to download their Group D admit card.
How to download RRB Group D 2018 exam admit card
- Here’s the direct link to visit the candidates login page
- Enter your user ID and Date of birth and click on ‘Login’
- Your admit card will be made available and can be downloaded. The page will also detail the exam centre date and city details. SC/ST candidates can download their railways pass from the login page.
In the Group D exam, only objective type questions will be asked. There will be negative marking in RRB Group D CBT Test (Stage-1). One-third portion of total marks for the question will be deducted for each wrong answer. Those who successfully qualify the test will be called for PET or stage 2 of the exam, the dates of which will release post result declaration of stage 1. The RRB Group D Admit Card 2018 can be downloaded up to 5 pm on a day prior to the exam.
RRB has reportedly received around 15 million application for Group D positions. The vacancy notification for around 62 thousand Group D positions was released in February along with around 25,500 Group C positions. The level 1 exam for Group C positions were held in the months of August and September in 11 sittings.