IBPS SO Recruitment: IBPS SO VIII application process begins at ibps.in
The IBPS had released the notification for the recruitment on October 26th and now the application process has begun.

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has started the application process for the recruitment of Specialist Officer (SO) VIII 2018-19 from today, November 6th. The IBPS had released the notification for the recruitment on October 26th. The IBPS SO preliminary exam is scheduled for December 29th and 30th.
The IBPS is conducting the recruitment for six different types of positions which includes IT Officer, Agricultural Field Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Law Officer, HR Personnel/Officer, and Marketing Officer. All the above positions are Scale I positions. The minimum qualifications for various positions are also listed in the notification.
Candidates must be a minimum 20 years old and the maximum age limit for general candidates is 30 but candidates from reserved categories have some relaxation in the upper age limit according to the norms, details of which are available in the notification.
Here is how to apply for the IBPS SO VIII recruitment:
- Click on the direct link to access the application page.
- Click on the ‘Click here for New Registration’ button at the top.
- Follow the registration process which will generate log-in credentials.
- Use the log-in credentials to log in and fulfill the remaining application process.
Candidates will have to go through three stages of recruitment – Preliminary exam, Main exam, and Interview before the final selection. The preliminary exam will have 150 questions for 125 marks and can be given either in Hindi or English except the English language paper. The exam will test candidates on English Language (25 marks), Reasoning (50 marks), and General Awareness with special reference to Banking Industry/Quantitative Aptitude depending on the position (50 marks).
The last day to apply for the IBPS SO 2018-19 positions is November 26th. Candidates can access the notification for more information on application process, reservation policy, exam pattern, recruitment process among other information.