IGNOU December Term-End Exam 2018 admit card to be released soon at ignou.ac.in
IGNOU December term-end exam is scheduled to start from December 1st and will go on until December 31st.

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is expected to release the admit card for the December term-end examination soon, according to multiple reports. Some unverified reports state that the IGNOU will release the admit cards on November 23rd. All the candidates who have enrolled to appear in the exam can download the admit card from ignou.ac.in.
IGNOU will conduct the term-end examination from December 1st and the examination will go on until December 31st. The detailed schedule of the examination can be accessed in this link. The exam centre and related details will be available in the term-end exam admit card.
Here is how to download IGNOU Term-End Exam Admit Card:
- Visit the official website of IGNOU.
- Hover the cursor on the ‘Student Support’ tab and click on ‘Results’.
- On the left panel, click on ‘Hall Ticket/Admit Card’ tab.
- Click on the December 2018 Term-End Exam link.
- Enter the required details.
- The admit card will be displayed which can be downloaded and printed out.