UPTET final answer keys 2018 released, download answer keys now at upbasiceduboard.gov.in
The final answer keys for the UPTET 2018 have been released. The UP board had earlier released the answer keys and allowed candidates to challenge them.

The UP Basic Education Board has released final answer keys for the Uttar Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test (UPTET) 2018 exam. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check the final UPTET answer keys at the Board’s official website, upbasiceduboard.gov.in.
Candidates can access the UPTET PRI series final answer keys at this direct link, while the UPRI series final answer keys can be downloaded at this direct link.
The UPTET answer keys 2018 were initially expected to be released on November 20th, but the UP Basic Education Board released the tentative answer keys on November 22nd. Candidates had the opportunity to submit objections to the answer keys.
The UPTET 2018 exam was held on November 18th, 2018. The exam was conducted to recruit lower primary and upper primary teachers in the state of Uttar Pradesh.