IBPS CRP SO VIII 2018: Admit card released for prelim exam; download at ibps.in
IBPS will conduct the preliminary exam for the recruitment of specialist officers for the 20 participating banks on December 29th and 30th.

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the call letter for the preliminary exam for the recruitment of CRP Specialist Officers-VIII on Friday, December 14th. Candidates who have applied to appear for the preliminary exam can download the admit card from the official website, ibps.in. The preliminary exam is scheduled to be conducted on December 29th and 30th.
The recruitment for Specialist Officer (SO) posts are for six different types of positions, including IT Officer, Agricultural Field Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Law Officer, HR Personnel/Officer, and Marketing Officer. All the above positions are Scale I positions.
The preliminary exam will short list candidates who will have to appear for Main exam, which is scheduled for January 27th, 2019. Candidates who clear the IBPS SO Main exam will be called for an interview before the final selection.
How to download 2018-19 IBPS CRP SO prelim exam admit card:
1. Visit the official website of IBPS.
2. Click on the link on the home page for the call letter for IBPS CRP SO VIII recruitment.
3. Click on the link to download the admit card.
4. Enter the credentials on the page.
5. The admit card will be displayed which can be downloaded and printed out.
The preliminary exam will have 150 questions for 125 marks and can be given either in Hindi or English except the English language paper. The exam will test candidates on English Language (25 marks), Reasoning (50 marks), and General Awareness with special reference to Banking Industry/Quantitative Aptitude depending on the position (50 marks).