CBSE 2019 10th, 12th date sheet released; check here for details
CBSE will conduct the exams in the months of February and March for 10th and February, March, and April for 12th.

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the Secondary School (10th) and Senior School Certificate (12th) class 2019 board exam schedule on Sunday, December 23rd. The 10th class exam will begin on February 21st, 2019 and will go on until March 29th, 2019. Meanwhile, the 12th exam will begin on February 15th and the last exam is on April 3rd, 2019.
The detailed exam time table can be accessed in the official website of CBSE, The CBSE also released a circular detailing the criteria which was taken into account while deciding the date sheet, which includes students getting sufficient time before important subjects, date of competitive exams, distribution of students at various exam centres, and planning for summer holidays.
The circular claims that the date sheet this year has been released early so that students get more time to prepare. Also, this year the board has decided to conduct the skill subjects at the latter half of the exam schedule and efforts will be made to declare the result at early as possible.
The CBSE 10th and 12th board exam time sheet at and enter the CBSE website and click on the relevant class date sheet on the home page. Alternatively, direct link for the date sheet can be accessed by clicking on the link for 10th class and 12th class.