RPF Sub Inspector phase III exam admit card to release tomorrow
While Phase II of RPF sub inspector recruitment exam will commence from January 5th, 2019, admit cards for Phase III are set to be released tomorrow i.e. Dec 30

Admit cards for Sub Inspector recruitment phase III examinations for Railway Protection Force (RPF) will be available on the official website on December 30, 2018 that is from tomorrow. The exam itself which includes (Group C+D) is set to begin from January 9, 2019. On the other hand admit cards for phase II SI exam have already been released while the CBT examination will be held from January 5 to 6, 2019.
The phase III RPF examinations (Group- C and D) will be held from January 9 to 13, 2019. The candidates who will appear in the examinations can download the admit card through all the regional based official websites. As per the official website, the call letter for each day of exam will be made available 10 days prior to the exam date.
RRB RPF SI admit card 2018: How to download
- Visit the official website
- Click on ‘RPF download admit card link
- Enter registration number, roll number
- Admit card/ Hall Ticket will appear on the screen
- Download it, and take a print out for further reference
It must be recalled that the Phase I of CBT exam for SI recruitment was held on December 19th and the next phase will commence from January 5, 2019 and end on January 6, 2019. A total of 1120 vacancies were advertised earlier by Railways ministry which included 819 posts for male candidates and 301 for female aspirants.
Those candidates who pass the CBT exam will have to then appear in the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Measurement Test (PMT). Thereafter the candidates who have applied for drivers / ancillary staff / band will have to appear in the trade test. The last and the final stage of the recruitment process will be the document verification.