IBPS RRB VI Office Assistant, Officer Scale I, II, III final result out at ibps.in
The IBPS was conducting the recruitment for 56 participating Regional Rural Banks and notification was released in July 2017.

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the final result or the provisional allotment list for the CRP RRB VI recruitment 2017. The provisional allotment - reserve list was released for the positions of Office Assistants, Officer Scale I, II, and III. All the candidates who had appeared for the final stages of recruitment process for these positions can check the IBPS website, ibps.in, to check the result.
The direct links for the provisional allotment - reserve are as follow:
- Office Assistant
- Officer Scale I
- Officer Scale II (GBO)
- Officer Scale II (Specialist Officer)
- Officer Scale III
Candidates can feed in their log-in credentials to access the final result. Alternatively, candidates can log in to the IBPS website and click on the link for checking provisional allotment and click on the relevant above-mentioned positions to access the final result.
The IBPS has been conducting this recruitment drive for 56 Regional Rural Banks (RRB) and the notification was released in July 2017. The preliminary exam was only for the positions of Officer Scale I and Office Assistants which were conducted in the months of September 2017.