UPSC declares list of candidates who cleared CDS (II) written exam
A total number of 7650 candidates have cleared the exam and are qualified to appear for the SSB interview.

A list of successful candidates who had cleared the Combined Defence Services written examination has been uploaded by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on its official site - The CDS (II) written examination results were in fact announced earlier on January 2nd, 2019. And now a list of 7,650 candidates with their full name and roll number is available on the UPSC website.
The total 7,650 candidates are now eligible and will have to appear for the Service Selection Board (SSB) interview. All the candidates who have qualified for the interview are required to register themselves for the interview at the Army Recruiting website, UPSC had conducted the written examination on November 18th, 2018.
Candidates are suggested to go through the instruction on the PDF carefully to understand the next steps. UPSC is conducting the recruitment for Indian Military Academy, Dehradun 147th Course, Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala, Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course, Officers Training Academy, Chennai 110th SSC Course (for Men), and Officers Training Academy, Chennai, 24th SSC Women (Non-Technical) Course.
There is a deadline for submission of original certificate after the SSB interview as well mentioned in the result notification. The documents need to be mailed for the AFA not later than 13th May, 2019, not later than 1st July, 2019 for IMA and not later than 01st July, 2019 for admission to NA (1st October, 2019 in case of SSC only). Details about mailing addresses for different divisions has been mentioned in the notification.
Note that UPSC has a Facilitation Counter near Examination Hall Building in its Campus. Candidates may obtain any information/clarification regarding this examination on working days between 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM, in person or over telephone.