HSSC Constable Recruitment 2018: Answer keys released at hssc.gov.in
The candidates can raise objection against the answers till January 21st, 2019.

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has released the answer keys for the recruitment of Constable (General Duty) in Police Department today, January 19th. All the candidates who had appeared in the exam can check the HSSC website, hssc.gov.in, to access the answer keys. The answer keys for both the morning and afternoon sessions are available at the website.
The HSSC also released a notification stating that the candidates can raise objection against the answer keys and the last day to submit the objection is 5.00 pm of January 21st, 2019.
The candidates have to click on the Advt. No 3/2018 on the home page and click on the Notification button to get the link to submit the objection. Candidates are suggested to go through the instructions carefully before submitting the objection.
The answer keys can be accessed on the official website or can candidates click on the direct link for answer keys to Morning Session and Afternoon Session.
HSSC had conducted the preliminary exam for the recruitment of Constables in two sessions on December 23rd, 2018. The recruitment is being conducted for Male Constable position in Haryana Police.