AP SLPRB PC PET/PMT hall ticket released; check at slprb.ap.gov.in
The hall ticket will have details of the exact date and time when the PET/PMT will be conducted for the candidate.

AP State Level Police Recruitment Board (APSLPRB) has released the hall ticket for the 2018 constable recruitment Physical Endurance and Physical Measurement Test (PET and PMT) round on February 2nd, 2019.
All the candidates who have cleared the written exam and have registered to participate in the second round of the recruitment can download the hall ticket from the website - slprb.ap.gov.in.
The Board had conducted the first stage written exam for the AP constable recruitment from January 6th to January 8th, 2019 and the result was declared on January 23rd, 2019.
The candidates had to register and upload all the necessary document to appear on the second stage on or before January 29th. The board, along with PET and PMT, will also conduct the process of document verification.
How to download SLPRB SI PET/PMT hall ticket:
- Visit the APSLPRB official website.
- Click on the link to download the hall ticket on the home page under ‘Latest News’ section or click on this direct link to access the log-in page.
- Enter the required details.
- The hall ticket will appear and can be downloaded and printed out.
The Board will recruit 2,732 SCT PC (Civil), SCT PC (AR), SCT PC (APSCP) in the police department and warden in prisons via this recruitment drive. Around 3.92 lakh candidates had applied and around 88.16% of candidates had appeared for the first stage of the test.