MP TET 2018: Middle School TET exam schedule released
The MP PEB will be conducting the Middle School TET 2018 exam from February 16th to March 10th, 2019.

MP Professional Examination Board (PEB) has released the exam schedule for the MP Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) 2018 for the Middle School on Wednesday, February 6th. The entire schedule can be accessed at the MP PEB’s official website,
The MP PEB will be conducting the Middle School TET 2018 from February 16th and it will go on until March 10th, 2019. The exam is spread out in 35 different shifts and will be conducted in 18 days. The detailed timetable includes seven subjects, i.e. Urdu, Sanskrit, English, Science, Maths, Social Science, and Hindi.
Candidates can access the detailed timetable at the official website under the ‘Latest Update’ section or one can click on this link to get direct access to the timetable. The admit card is expected to be released in the next few days.