Rajasthan Jail Prahari Recruitment 2018: Final result for warder recruitment released
Along with mandal-wise result, candidates can also check the final marks.

The final result for the Rajasthan Jail Prahari or Warder 2018 recruitment has been released and all candidates who had applied for the position can check the result. The results have been released at the official recruitment website, jailprahariraj2018.in.
The mandal-wise result, mandal-wise cut-off, and the final marks of the candidates can be accessed at the website.
The examination process was conducted by Sardar Patel University of Police Security and Criminal Justice. The University had conducted the preliminary examination on October 20th, 21st, 27th, 28th, and November 29th, 2018.
The preliminary answer keys were released on December 3rd and final answer were released on December 7th. All the successful candidates are eligible to appear for the PET examination.
How to check Rajasthan Prahari Recruitment 2018 final result:
- Visit the official website for Rajasthan Jail Warder 2018 recruitment.
- On the home page, click on the button for Jail Prahari 2018 final result (direct link).
- Click on the Mandal for which one wants to check the result or the cut-off.
- The PDF document of the result will have roll number of all the successful candidates.
The recruitment was conducted to fill 670 vacancies. The result of the preliminary exam was released on December 24th, 2018 and now the final result after the PET/PMT round has been released.