ICMAI December 2018 CMA Term-End exam result declared at examicmai.in
The result was expected at 2.00 pm but was declared at 12 noon.

The Institute of Cost Accountants of India or ICMAI released the Term-End CMA exam results today, February 21st, at 12.00 noon. The exams for which the results were declared were conducted in December 2018. The results can be accessed at examicmai.in and link has been activated.
The results that were declared today include results for Foundation, Intermediate, and Final Certified Management Accounting (CMA) examinations held in December 2018.
The result declared today also include Pass List for Syllabus 2016 for Foundation; for Intermediate, Pass List Complete Pass (Syllabus 2016, Pass List Group I, and Pass List Group II; for Final, Pass List Complete Pass, Pass List Group III, Pass List Group IV.
How to check ICMAI CMA December 2018 result:
- Visit the ICMAI result website.
- Click on the relevant result link for result or pass list.
- The Pass List link will display roll numbers of all the candidates who have cleared the exam.
- For individual result, click on the link, enter the Identification Number/registration number and click on ‘View Result’.
- The result will be displayed which can be printed out if required.
Institute of Cost Accountants of Indian is a statutory body under parliament which conducts exams and certifies cost accountants in India. The exams are conducted twice in a year, in June and February, for Foundation, Intermediate and Final years.