WBPSC 2017 Civil Service (Exec) final result released at pscwb.gov.in
A total number of 270 candidates have been selected for various departments.

West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has released the final result for the 2017 West Bengal Civil Services Exam (Executive) on February 22nd, 2019. A total number of 270 candidates have been recommended for various departments under the recruitment drive. The final result can be accessed at the WBPSC official website, pcswb.gov.in.
The department for which candidates have been allocated to are of Correctional Administration, Joint Block Development Officer, Deputy Assistant Director of Consumer Affairs & Fair Business Practices, West Bengal Junior Social Welfare Service, West Bengal Subordinate Land Revenue Service, Assistant Commercial Tax Officer, Assistant Canal Revenue Officer (Irrigation), and Chief Controller of Correctional Services.
The final list of candidates who have been selected can be accessed at the official website under ‘Latest Development and Announcement’ section. Candidates can click on the result link to access it. Alternatively, one can click on this direct link to access the result page. The result also has cut-off marks for various categories towards the end.