IIT JAM 2019 answer keys released; check at jam.iitkgp.ac.in
IIT JAM 2019 examination was conducted on February 10th and the result is expected to be released on March 20th.

IIT Joint Admission Test for M.Sc (JAM) 2019 answer keys have been released on Monday, February 25th. All the candidates who had appeared for the IIT JAM 2019 examination can check the official website, jam.iitkgp.ac.in, to check for answer keys.
The link to contest the answers against the answers in the keys has also been activated. Candidates can click on this link or click on the link against ‘Candidate’s Responses’ and feed in the log-in details to submit the response. The last day to submit the response against the answer keys is 12.00 noon of February 28th, 2019.
How to check IIT JAM 2019 answer keys:
- Visit the IIT JAM 2018 website.
- Click on link against ‘Question Paper and Answer Key’.
- Alternatively, click on this direct link to access the page of answer keys and question papers.
- Click on the relevant subject link to access the question paper or answer keys.
IIT JAM examination is being conducted since 2004 for admission to M.Sc. (Four Semesters), Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D., M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual Degree, programmes at the IITs and Integrated Ph.D. Degree Programmes at IISc. The 2019 JAM is being organised by IIT Khargpur and the exam was conducted on February 10th. The IIT JAM 2019 result is expected to be released on March 20th.