J&K Constable recruitment for 2,700 vacancies notified, apply at jkpolice.gov.in
Jammu Kashmir Police recruitment drive for 2019 has invited applications from candidates for total 2,700 Constable vacancies.

Jammu and Kashmir Police has recently announced several Constable vacancies in two separate notifications published on its website - jkpolice.gov.in. While both recruitment drives are for Constable posts, one of them is for female candidates to be posted in Two Women Battalions.
So for the Female Constable recruitment, advertisement linked here, there are 1,350 posts on offer and online applications are invited from permanent residents only. On the other hand, there 1,350 Male vacancies for Two Border Battalions, one each for Jammu Province and Kashmir Province. The recruited candidates will be posted in 10 border district of J&K State as per official notice.
As both the above recruitments are for the same post that is Constable, the educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale are identical and the details are available in the official notification. The online application link for the post will be activated soon and a separate notification for that will be published as well.
The last date to apply for the Constable vacancies will be 30 from the day online application form activation on J&K police site. Candidates are advised to check the website intermittently in next couple of days for updates on the online application process for both recruitment drives.
Candidates who meet the basic eligibility criteria will have to go through Physical Endurance test which is a screening test followed by Physical Standard Test. Successful candidates from above two stages will then have to appear for a written examination which will have objective type questions.
Other details about the posting for both Female battalions and Border battalions has been provided in the notifications and candidates are advised to thoroughly go through them before applying for the vacancies.