Manipur Public Service Commission (MPSC) has released the answer keys for the Engineering Sections Officers (SO) for Civil Engineers on March 19th, 2019. The answer keys for both Civil Engineer Paper-I and Civil Engineer Paper-II are available at the official website,

The candidates can also submit claims against the answers provided in the answer keys. The claims should be submitted within seven working days after the release of the answers and should be sent via an email to The notification on how to submit the objection can be accessed in this link.

How to download MPSC SO 2018 answer keys:

  1. Visit the MPSC Manipur answer keys page.
  2. Click on the tab for Engineering SO Recruitment 2018 exam.
  3. A drop down menu will appear from where links for answer keys and answer key notification can accessed.
  4. Click on the relevant link.

The SO recruitment is being conducted for 235 positions for Section Officer recruitment. The answer keys for General English and General Studies were released on March 2nd and the answer keys for Electrical and IT Engineering were released on March 4th.