UPSESSB answer keys for TGT exam released, submit objections before April 3
UPSESSB has released the answer keys for Trained Graduate Teacher exam conducted in March. Candidates can raise objections till April 3rd, 2019.
Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board (UPSESSB) has released the provisional answer keys for Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) examination on its website - Answer keys for all 16 subjects have been uploaded on the website and candidates are advised to thoroughly go through them. As these are provisional answers, candidates have the opportunity raise objections, if any, directly to the board.
As per the official notification released by USESSB, answer keys for the TGT examination held on March 8th and 9th have been published on the board’s website. Candidates have been asked to tally their booklet series with the answer keys as early as possible. In case applicants find any errors or discrepancies in the answer keys, they can raise the same with the board from March 27th to April 3rd, 2019.
Answer key objections will have to be submitted on UPSESSB email ID - Please note that objections must be sent by mail only and not via any other mode. Candidates will have to send the objection letter in scanned PDF format which must include question number, candidates full name, roll number, subject and booklet series code. Letters sent without above mentioned details will not be considered valid, the board says.
Candidates are hereby advised to check the answer keys for their respective subjects as early as possible and submit objections, if any, before the last date. Here is the direct link to check your answer keys.