IAF Airmen 01/2020 recruitment phase I result declared at airmenselection.cdac.in
All the successful candidates can download the admit card for the phase II from the official website.

Central Airmen Selection Board (CASB) has released the result for Phase I of Airmen recruitment for 01/2020 batch on April 9th. Candidates who had appeared for the Phase I exam can check the result at airmenselection.cdac.in. The CASB has also released the admit card for the phase II for all the candidates who have cleared the Phase I exam.
All the candidates have to log-in with their respective ID and password to check the result and to download the admit card for the phase 2 examination. The CASB had conducted the phase I Airmen recruitment exam from March 10th to March 14th and now the results have been released.
How to access the CASB Airmen 01/2020 result and admit card:
- Visit the CASB Airmen selection website.
- Under ‘Candidate’ section, click on ‘Login (for intake 01/2020) link or click on this direct link to access the log-in page.
- Enter the necessary details and click on ‘Sign In’.
- The result and admit card (if successful) can be accessed on the page.
The candidates who clear the exam will have to go through document verification, physical test, adaptability test, and medical examination. The candidates can get the details of the selection criteria and exam pattern in this link.