APPSC AEE 2018 Screening Test result declared; check at
All the candidates who have cleared the exam are now eligible to participate in the Main examination round of the recruitment.

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has released the screening test result for the recruitment of 2018 Assistant Executive Engineers in Various Engineering Services on April 18th, 2019. Candidates who had appeared for the AEE screening test can check the result and see if they have qualified for the next round at the official website,
Along with the list of candidates who have cleared the round, the Commission also released the cut-off marks for various categories, the result of individual candidates, and list of rejected candidates. All the information are available on the official website. The Commission had conducted the screening test on February 17th, 2019.
How to check the APPSC 2018 AEE Screening Test Result:
- Visit the APPSC official website.
- Click on the link to check on 2018 AEE screening test result on the home page published on April 18th.
- A new page will open where candidates can find links to check the list of qualified candidates, list of rejected candidates, cut-off marks, and link to check the individual result.
- Direct links to check the list of qualified candidates, cut-off marks, individual marks, and list of rejected candidates.
- A PDF document will open to check the details of qualified and rejected candidates and cut-off marks. To access individual result, candidates need to feed in the log-in details.
The Commission had released notification for the recruitment of AAE on November 29th, 2018 for various Engineering Services for a total of 309 vacancies. The vacancies are for Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering positions. A total number of 47,001 candidates had applied to participate in the recruitment process.