UP 2019 10th, 12th results: Board exam result coming soon, report
Though most reports state that the result will be coming by April 30th; however, some outlets speculate that the result might be coming as early as April 22nd.

Uttar Pradesh Board of Education is in the final stages of preparing and tabulating the marks for the 10th and 12th board exam, according to Livehindustan.com. UP Board officials have been mum about a definite date for the release of the result, but it is expected that the result will be coming out next week.
It was reported earlier that the results are expected to be released between April 20th and April 30th, 2019. The report from Livehindustan states that the officials have reached New Delhi where computer agencies are supposed to process the final stages of the release of the result.
This indicates that most of the work of tabulation and evaluation is over and now the final verification process is being conducted.
Almost all reports suggest that the result can be expected at the latter half of the next week; however, this report has gone on to make a bold prediction that the result might be released between April 22nd to April 24th,
Once the results are released, students can check them at the official website, upresults.nic.in.
Around 5.8 lakh students have appeared for the UP board exam this year of which 3.2 lakh students are from class 10th and 2.6 lakh are from class 12th. The board has precedence of declaring the result for both the classes on the same date and this year too it is expected to do the same.