JEE Main April 2019 final answer keys released; Paper I result to be released soon
Final answer keys for JEE Main April 2019 for both paper I and Paper II have been released.

NTA has released the final answer keys for both Paper I and Paper II for the 2019 April JEE Main examination a while ago today, April 29th. This is amidst several reports suggesting that the JEE Main 2019 Paper I result will be releasing within the next few hours. All the candidates can access the final answer keys for both the papers at the official website
UPDATE: JEE Main April 2019 result has been declared. Check this report for more information.
Several reports suggest that NTA will declare the Paper I JEE Main 2019 exam today, April 29th. The NTA had conducted the Paper I exam from April 8th to April 12th, 2019. Once the result is declared, the candidates can access the scores at The result will also be available at
NTA will also be releasing the consolidate merit list that will combine the normalised scores for all the candidates who appeared in January and April JEE Main. Top 245,000 rank holder will be eligible to appear for the JEE Advanced 2019 which is scheduled to be conducted on May 27th, 2019.
The consolidate final answer key for both Paper I and Paper II for JEE Main April 2019 exam is available in this link.
JEE Main is conducted for admissions to IIT, NIT, RIT and other engineering colleges throughout the country. The exams are conducted in multiple sittings and candidates have an option to choose the convenient date on which they would like to appear.